Report your problem by text message
Our text service is available 24 hours every day.
Text HELP for broadband or Text PHONE for home phone to 07800008121 (charges may apply at your standard rate)
- We’ll run tests on your connection to find out what’s going on
- If you need an engineer, we’ll text you in 15 mins to book a slot
- If no engineer’s needed, our UK based support team will call you within 30 mins to help sort the problem
- Call backs available Mon-Sun: 8am to 7.30pm
Quick fixes for broadband or phone
Try our hints, tips and guides to help with broadband or phone problems

Turn your router off and on
Use the power button to turn your router off and on again. If the light doesn't turn blue, use a paper clip to press your router’s factory reset button.

New customer?
It may take 10 days for your connection to settle and adjust to the speed estimates provided in your welcome email.

More ways to get help

Plusnet community
Our customers always have tips to share.
Talk to our community

Contact our team
Message @Plusnet on X (formerly Twitter)
Or call 0330 1239 123

Sign Language service
Contact us using British Sign Language

My Account
Manage your bills, packages and details.
Sign into Broadband